
60 Best Inspirational Darren Hardy Quotes

inspirational darren hardy quotes

Join the exciting adventure of inspiration by exploring the powerful words of outstanding author and speaker Darren Hardy. This blog offers an in-depth look into his deep wisdom and motivational insights. Hardy’s impactful quotes can spark motivation, drive ambition, and push us towards our objectives.

Discover a collection of quotes to transform your mindset and drive personal growth. Embrace Hardy’s words and embark on a path of empowerment.

60 Best Inspirational Darren Hardy Quotes

1. “You can only control two things in life: Your attitude and your actions.” – Darren Hardy

Darren Hardy Quotes - control two things in life attitude and actions

2. “Some of my greatest motivation, determination, and dogged persistence came when I had an enemy to fight.” – Darren Hardy

3. “You alone are responsible for what you do, don’t do, or how you respond to what’s done to you.” – Darren Hardy

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4. “Don’t wish it were easier; wish you were better.” – Darren Hardy

Darren Hardy Quotes - dont wish it easier wish you better

5. “Small, Smart Choices + Consistency + Time = RADICAL DIFFERENCE” – Darren Hardy

6. “Every great act, every fantastic adventure, starts with small steps.” – Darren Hardy

7. “Fear doesn’t prevent death, but it certainly prevents life.” – Darren Hardy

Darren Hardy Quotes - fear certainly prevents life

8. “Starting is not most people’s problem, staying, continuing and finishing is.” – Darren Hardy

9. “The day you graduate from childhood to adulthood is the day you take full responsibility for your life.” – Darren Hardy

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10. “Consistency is the key to achieving and maintaining momentum.” – Darren Hardy

Darren Hardy Quotes - consistency is key to achieving

11. “Choose to make up for what you lack in innate ability with discipline, hard work, and good habits.” – Darren Hardy

12. “Small, seemingly insignificant steps completed consistently over time will create a radical difference” – Darren Hardy

13. “All winners are trackers.” – Darren Hardy

Inspirational Darren Hardy Quotes - all winners are trackers

14. “Don’t fake it till you make it. Be real, be transparent, be authentic and be yourself.”

15. “Life begins outside the edge of your comfort zone.” – Darren Hardy

16. “What controls your attention controls your life.” – Darren Hardy

Inspirational Darren Hardy Quotes - what controls attention controls your life

17. “Success is neither nature or nurture. Everyone can choose to change, grow and succeed.” – Darren Hardy

18. “Mastery: Amateurs call it genius. Masters call it practice.” – Darren Hardy

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19. “The first step always looks harder than it actually is.” – Darren Hardy

Inspirational Darren Hardy Quotes - first step looks harder than it is

20. “This is the story of most people’s lives; they’re riding the horse of their habits with no idea where they’re headed.” – Darren Hardy

21. “When the reason is big enough, you will be willing to perform almost any how.” – Darren Hardy

22. “The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.” – Darren Hardy

Inspirational Darren Hardy Quotes - secret of success found in daily routine

23. “Losing is a habit. So is winning. Now let’s work on permanently instilling winning habits into your life.” – Darren Hardy

24. “Our choices can deliver us to our goals or send us orbiting into a galaxy far, far away.” – Darren Hardy

25. “Don’t follow your dreams. Chase them down with aggressive pursuit.” – Darren Hardy

success quotes from Darren Hardy - dont follow dreams chase them

26. “There’s nothing wrong with ordinary. I just prefer to shoot for extraordinary.” – Darren Hardy

27. “Don’t wait another day to start the small disciplines that will lead you in the direction of your goals” – Darren Hardy

28. “It’s time to WAKE UP and make empowering choices.” – Darren Hardy

success quotes from Darren Hardy - its time to wake up make choices

29. “If there’s a discrepancy between what you say and what you do, I’m going to believe what you do every time.” – Darren Hardy

30. “The life we end up with is simply an accumulation of all the choices we make.” – Darren Hardy

31. “DNA has nothing to do with success. Turn your genes into overalls and get to work.” – Darren Hardy

success quotes from Darren Hardy - Dna hae nothing with success get to work

32. “The highest achievers in the world have all succeeded because they mapped out their visions” – Darren Hardy

33. “You can only control two things in your life: Your attitude and your actions.” – Darren Hardy

34. “Don’t wait for anyone’s permission to be successful, take it.” – Darren Hardy

success quotes from Darren Hardy - dont wait to be successful take it

35. “Some of my greatest motivation, determination, and dogged persistence came when I had an enemy to fight.” – Darren Hardy

36. Magic is doing simple things repeatedly and long enough to ignite the miracle of the Compound Effect. – Darren Hardy

37. “Doubt and fear steal more dreams than failure does.” – Darren Hardy

success quotes from Darren Hardy - doubt and fear steal dreams

38. “In essence, you make your choices, and then your choices make you.” – Darren Hardy

39. “The activities that you are most afraid of are the activities that can cause a breakthrough in your success.” – Darren Hardy

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40. “Better than Botox: A positive attitude.” – Darren Hardy

Darren Hardy's inspirational quotes - better than botox positive attitude

41. “Garden your head – pull out the weeds of excuses and plant the seeds of greatness.” – Darren Hardy

42. “Think bigger. Live larger. Serve greater.” – Darren Hardy

43. “Start tracking at least one behavior” – Darren Hardy

Darren Hardy's inspirational quotes - start tracking behavior

44. “Start your day with why, then get on with your what.” – Darren Hardy

45. “Every great act, every fantastic adventure, starts with small steps. The first step always looks more complicated than it actually is.” – Darren Hardy

46. “What’s in your head determines what’s in your wallet.” – Darren Hardy

Darren Hardy's inspirational quotes - your head determines in your wallet

47. “When you’re creating an environment to support your goals, remember that you get in life what you tolerate.” – Darren Hardy

48. “Knowledge will enrich you, but only action will turn it into riches.” – Darren Hardy

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49. “Anyone can start something. Few can finish.” – Darren Hardy

success quotes from Darren Hardy - start something few can finish

50. “After that grand entrance, the life we end up with is simply an accumulation of the choices we make.” – Darren Hardy

51. “As Jim Collins said in our April 2010 SUCCESS feature, “If you have more than three priorities, you don’t have any.” – Darren Hardy

52. “Don’t be afraid to be amazing” – Darren Hardy

success quotes from Darren Hardy - dont afraid to be amazing

53. “If we want to succeed, we need to recover our grandparents’ work ethic” – Darren Hardy

54. “There should be time to celebrate, to enjoy some of the fruits of your victories along the way.” – Darren Hardy

55. “Everyone in your organization is learning how to think, act, and react from you. Lead by example.” – Darren Hardy

Darren Hardy Quotes - everyone learning from you lead example

56. “The key to success is massive failure. Your goal is to out-fail your competition.” – Darren Hardy

57. “Some of our best intentions fail because we don’t have a system of execution.” – Darren Hardy

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58. “If all the people around you are happy with you, you are not doing great work.” – Darren Hardy

Inspirational Darren Hardy Quotes - people around happy not doing great work

59. “Your childhood doesn’t have to define you. Neither do your parents. Grow up, lead your own life” – Darren Hardy

60. “Lou Holtz, the famous football coach, knew it was what you did after you did your best that created victories.” – Darren Hardy


Discover the uplifting quotes of Darren Hardy, an invaluable resource for motivation and self-improvement.

This collection contains life-changing insights that can help you unlock your full potential and thrive in all areas of your life.

Let Hardy’s words guide and inspire you on your journey toward self-discovery and success.

Harsh Tyagi

Written by Harsh Tyagi

I love reading inspirational and motivational quotes and designing them in my free time. So I turned my passion into a full-time career at The Quotes Flix.