
80 Best Funny Quotes About Teeth

best funny quotes about teeth

Get ready to flash those pearly whites as we dive into a collection of the 80 best funny quotes about teeth! We’ve scoured the corners of humor to bring you an array of witty remarks that’ll make you grin from ear to ear.

Whether you’re a dental enthusiast or appreciate a good laugh, these quotes will tickle your funny bone.

From quirky quips on braces to hilarious takes on toothpaste, this compilation will have you chuckling and nodding in agreement.

So, let’s explore the lighter side of dental hygiene and get those laughter muscles working!

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80 Best Funny Quotes About Teeth

1. “Every tooth in a man’s head is more valuable than a diamond.”

funny dental quotes - mans tooth is valuable than diamond

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2. “Life is short, so smile while you still have teeth.”

3. “A man begins cutting his wisdom teeth the first time he bites off more than he can chew.” – Herb Caen

4. “A smile is the best makeup any girl can wear.”

5. “I don’t fear dentists, I fear the bill.”

funny dental quotes - i dont fear dentist i fear the bill

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6. “My dentist told me I need a filling. I said, ‘No thanks, I prefer chocolate.'”

7. “If a patient cannot clean his teeth, no dentist can clean them for him.” – Martin H. Fischer

8. “Why did the tooth go to the dance? To get a little filling!”

9. “Why did the vampire go to the dentist? He had bat breath!”

funny dental quotes - why vampire go to dentist

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10. “Be kind to your dentist. Even dentists have fillings.”

11. “Cleaning with dogs in your house is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos.”

12. “My dentist asked me if I floss. I said, ‘No, but I’m a good dancer.”

13. “Be true to your teeth, and they won’t be false to you.”

funny dental quotes - be true to your teeth they wont false you

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14. “I told my dentist my teeth are going yellow. He told me to wear a brown tie.”

15. “Adam and Eve had many advantages, but the principal one was that they escaped teething.” – Mark Twain

16. “A dentist gets to the root of the problem.”

17. “Love conquers all things except poverty and toothache.” – Mae West

funny dental quotes - love conquers all except poverty toothache

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18. “I covered my face because they had taken my wisdom teeth out.”

19. “An aching tooth is better out than in. To lose a rotting member is a gain.”

20. “I was never afraid of anything in the world except the dentist.” – Taylor Caldwell

21. “If suffering brought wisdom, the dentist’s office would be full of luminous ideas.”

funny dental quotes - suffering brought wisdom dentist ideas

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22. “It was a sweet smile, but it hid menace, like the kind dentists gave.”

23. “When life is kicking others in the teeth, Become a dentist.”- Kevin Myers

24. “If you have more cavities than you have teeth you’ve led a ‘Sweet’ life.”

25. “A dentist at work in his vocation always looks down in the mouth.”

funny dental quotes and sayings - dentist work vocation looks in mouth

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26. “For there was never yet a philosopher that could endure the toothache patiently.”

27. “She laughs at everything you say. Why? Because she has fine teeth.”

28. “I like it when my mother smiles. I especially like it when I make her smile.” – Adriana Trigiani.

29. “A smile remains the most inexpensive gift…”

funny dental quotes and sayings - smile remains most inexpensive gift

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30. “I didn’t want to be an actress. I wanted to be a dentist, but you never know what life will bring you.”

31. “I was created to create beautiful smiles.”

32. “The health of our teeth is a general marker of our overall health.”

33. “The tongue is ever turning to the aching tooth.”

funny dental quotes and sayings - tongue is turning to aching tooth

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34. “A man loses his illusions first, his teeth second, and his follies last.”

35. “Why didn’t the monster use toothpaste? Because he said his teeth weren’t loose.”

36. “I’m not saying you have bad breath, but your toothbrush is running away from your mouth.”

37. “Floss like a boss, brush like a king!”

funny dental quotes and sayings - floss like boss brush like king

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38. “Some tortures are physical, and some are mental, but the one that is both is dental.”

39. “So I went to the dentist. He said, “Say aaah.” I said, “Why?” He said, “My dog’s died.”

40. “If you have more cavities than you have teeth you’ve led a ‘Sweet’ life.” – Stanley Victor Paskavich

41. “Dentists are medical professionals who help you put your money where your mouth is.”

funny dental quotes and sayings - dentist help put money where mouth is

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42. “Why did the hygienist give the dentist a ticket? He parked his drill in a filling station.”

43. “I wonder if there’s such a thing as a spiritual dentist? I think my whole personality is full of cavities!”

44. “Dentist: a prestidigitator who, putting metal into your mouth, pulls coin out of your pocket.”

45. “It’s never too late to start taking care of your teeth. Just think of it as an investment in your smile!”

funny dental sayings - never to late to take care of smile

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46. “Your teeth deserve the best, so treat them to a daily dose of brushing and flossing.”

47. “Ignore your teeth and they’ll go away.”

48. “A toothbrush is like a superhero for your teeth: it fights against plaque and saves the day!”

49. “Say cheese! Your smile will thank you for it.”

funny dental sayings - say cheese smile thank you for it

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50. “As a friend, as a parent, as a colleague, we all want healthy teeth for life.”

51. “A little humor can go a long way when it comes to dental hygiene.”

52. “Teeth aren’t pearly, until you smile.” – Anthony Liccione

53. “You’re never fully dressed without a smile.”

funny dental sayings - never fully dressed without smile

54. “Don’t forget to floss, because a good laugh can also make your heart floss.”

55. “Dental hygiene: the key to a brighter smile and a happier outlook.”

56. “A little laughter can make even the most mundane task enjoyable.”

57. “Brushing your teeth doesn’t have to be a chore when you add a little humor to the mix.”

funny dental sayings - brushing teeth add humor to mix

58. “Start your day with a smile and a clean set of teeth!”

59. “Smiling is fun when you have healthy teeth and gums.”

60. “Stop Smile Breathe Life is beautiful”

61. “Root canals don’t cause pain, they relieve it.”

funny dental sayings - root canals dont pain they relieve

62. “No one can take your smile away, but dental decay will do.”

63. “A dentist at work in his vocation always looks down in the mouth.” – George D. Prentice

64. “Keep smiling! it freaks people out! Also makes people wonder what you’re up to!”

65. “A gold tooth is to some blacks, what braces are to all whites.”

short funny dental quotes - gold tooth blacks braces are all white

66. “Eyes are the windows to the soul. A smile is the mirror of the heart.”

67. “Let’s make brushing fun again!”

68. “Everyone should be required to take a smiling class.” – Bert McCoy

69. “Happiness is an inside job.”

short funny dental quotes - happiness is inside job

70. “I was a left-handed dentist who made people cry.”

71. “Don’t let dental hygiene get you down, add a little humor to your routine!”

72. “When we get together, the grins get wider.”

73. “Lying through your teeth doesn’t count as flossing.”

short funny dental quotes - lying through teeth count flossing

74. “Who says brushing your teeth has to be a solo activity? Grab a friend and make it a comedy routine.”

75. “Smile, it lets your teeth breathe.”

76. “A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks”

77. “I’m not saying I’m the tooth fairy, but have you ever seen us in the same room?”

short funny dental quotes - tooth fairy seen us in same room

78. “Trips to the dentist I like to postpone that kind of thing.”

79. “If we couldn’t laugh, we would all go insane.” – Robert Frost

funny dental quotes - we couldnt laugh all go insane

80. “A smile confuses an approaching frown.”


Discover hilarious quotes about teeth! These 80 funny dental quotes will make you smile from braces to toothpaste. Get ready to laugh and show off those pearly whites!


Written by Himanshu Tyagi

Digital Marketer who loves motivational and inspirational quotes. While not working, I do a bit of gaming and spend time on Edx to enhance my skills!