
115 Best Inspirational Dental Quotes

best inspirational dental quotes

Mostly oral problems occur in children and old ones, and it becomes very important to maintain proper oral hygiene. So it is better to take care of your teeth. All you need to follow are some good habits like brushing your teeth daily, maintaining proper oral hygiene, and avoiding fast food as much as possible. Here we have shared some of the best inspirational dental quotes to help you understand the importance of teeth and why you should care for them.

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115 Best Inspirational Dental Quotes

1.“Every tooth in a man’s head is more valuable than a diamond.” – Miguel de Cervantes.

inpirational dental quotes – every tooth in a man's head is more valuable than

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2. “Love conquers all things, except poverty and toothache.”

3. “Effort is like toothpaste; you can usually squeeze out just a little bit more.”

quotes about dental – effort is like toothpaste you can usually squeeze out

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4. “Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.” – Mallory Hopkins

5. “She laughs at everything you say. Why? Because she has fine teeth.” – Benjamin Franklin

quotes about dental – she laughs at everything you say why because

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6. “A smile is an inexpensive way to change your looks.” – Charles Gordy

7. “Happiness is your dentist telling you it won’t hurt and then having him catch his hand in the drill.” – Johnny Carson.

quotes about dental – happiness is your dentist telling you it won't hurt and then

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8. ‘A smile remains the most inexpensive gift I can bestow on anyone and yet its powers can vanquish kingdoms.’ – Og Mandido

9. “The tongue is ever turning to the aching tooth.”- Thomas Fuller.

quotes about dental – the toungue is ever turning to the aching tooth

10. “I’d much rather have good teeth than have diamonds and roses drop out of my mouth whenever I said something.” – Patricia C. Wrede

11.  “A dentist gets to the root of the problem.”

positive dental inspirational quotes – a dentist gets to the root of the problem

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12. “For there was never yet a philosopher that could endure the toothache patiently.” – William Shakespeare

13. “Teeth are always in style.” – Dr. Seuss

dental inspirational quotes – teeths are always in style

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14. Some tortures are physical and some are mental, but the one that is both is dental. – Ogden Nash.

15. “Love conquers all things, except poverty and toothache.”

dental inspirational quotes – love conquers all things, except poverty and toothache

16. ‘Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.’ – Mother Teresa

17. “For there was never a philosopher, That could endure the toothache patiently.”

dental inspirational quotes – for there was never a philosopher, that could endure

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18. Adam and Eve had many advantages, but the principal one was that they escaped teething.’ – Mark Twain

19. “I like it when my mother smiles. I especially like it when I make her smile.” – Adriana Trigiani.

dental inspirational quotes – i like it when my mother smiles. i especially like it

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20. “The man with a toothache thinks everyone is happy whose teeth are sound.” – George Bernard Shaw.

21. “Smiling is Fun With Healthy Teeth & Gums” – Prof. Dr. ninad moon

dental inspirational quotes – smiling is fun with healthy teeth & gums

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22. “Get tips on how you can take care of your kids and prevent teeth damage by taking safety steps.” – George Pegios

23. “Lying through your teeth does not count as flossing!”

quotes about dentistry – lying through your teeth does not count as flossing

24. “A man begins cutting his wisdom teeth the first time he bites off more than he can chew.” – Herb Caen

25. “I was created to create beautiful smiles” – Mosman Dental Clinic

quotes about dentistry – i was created to create beautiful smiles

26. “Blessed are they who hold lively conversations with the helplessly mute, for they shall be called dentists.” – Ann Landers

27. “A SMILE is a curve that sets everything straight.” – Phyllis Diller

quotes about dentistry – a smile is a curve that sets everything straight

28. “But I often think if I had had my dental work done early on, well, maybe.” – Morgan Freeman.

29. “Smile with Confidence – Your Smile is Priceless.”

quotes about dentistry – smile with confidence your smile is priceless

30. “If you take your child to the dentist and check for cavities, the child likely won’t get them. If you take them just for an emergency, that’s all they’re gonna get.” – Bill Cosby

31. “Wrinkles should merely indicate where SMILES have been.” – Mark Twain

quotes about dentistry – wrinkles should merly indicate where smiles have been

32. “What do people mean when they say, ‘I am not afraid of God because I know He is good’? Have they never even been to a dentist?” – C.S Lewis

33. “The thing about a cavity search is this: it has nothing to do with the dentist.” – Gordon Korman

quotes about dentistry – the things about a cavity search is this it has nothing

34. “My father would tell anyone who would listen that this dentist thing he was doing was not his passion; cinematography was.” – Lasse Hallstrom

35. “If Alien was my friend, I’d like to be with him when he went to the dentist…” – Jack Handy.

inpirational dental quotes – if alien was my friend, i'd like to be with him when he went

36. “When I was in sixth grade… I wrote my first sketch, ‘The Dentist.’ I played the dentist… what can go wrong at the dentist…” – Trey Parker.

37. “If a patient cannot clean his teeth, no dentist can clean them for him.” – Martin H. Fischer

quotes about dentistry – if a patient cannot clean his teeth, no dentist can clean

38. “The best and cheapest dentistry is when the right thing is done extremely well the first time and it lasts for a long time.”

39. “Cleaning with dogs in the house is like brushing your teeth with Oreos.”

quotes about dentistry – cleaning with dogs in the house is like brushing your teeth

40. “…all that goes under the name of science is not necessarily scientific, and that all that goes under the name of health-care will not necessarily care for your health.” – Neville Mandy

41. “Poor dental hygiene can be fatal.” – Rand C. Capp

quotes about dental hygiene – poor dental hygiene can be fatal

42. “There is no weaponry in the feminine armoury to which men are so vulnerable as they are to a smile.” – Dorothy Dix

43. “A man loses his illusions first, his teeth second, and his follies last.” – Helen Rowland

quotes about dental hygiene – a man loses his illusions first, his teeth second

44. “Don’t cry because it’s over, SMILE because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss

quotes about dental hygiene – don't cry because its over, smile because it happened

45. “Smiles are free but they are worth a lot”

46. “The grinding of the intellect is for most people as painful as a dentist’s drill.” – Leonard Woolf

quotes about dental hygiene – the grinding of the intellect is for most people as painful

47. “I didn’t want to be an actress. I wanted to be a dentist, but you never know what life will bring you.” – Sofia Vergara.

48. “A good dentist never gets on your nerves”

quotes about dental hygiene – a good dentist never gets on your nerves

49. “I don’t get off on romantic parts. But I often think if I had had my dental work done early on, well, maybe.” – Morgan Freeman

50. “We do have a zeal for laughter in most situations, give or take a dentist.” – Joseph Heller

quotes about dental hygiene – we do have a zeal for laughter situations give or take a dentist

51. “Even pearls are dark before the whiteness of his teeth.” – Bill Vaughan

52. “I told my dentist my teeth are going yellow. he told me to wear a brown tie.” – Rodney Dangerfield

quotes about dental hygiene – i told my dentist my teeth are going yellow. he told me

53. “Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.”

54. “A genuine smile comes from the heart, but a healthy smile needs good dental care.”

quotes about dental hygiene – a genuine smile comes from the heart, but a healthy smile

55. “If you’re reading this… Congratulations, you’re alive. If that’s not something to SMILE about, then I don’t know what is.” – Chad Sugg

56. “It only takes a split second to SMILE and forget, yet to someone that needed it, it can last a lifetime.” – Steve Maraboli

positive dental inspirational quotes – it only takes a split second to smile and forget

57. “Be like a duck, paddling and working very hard inside the water, but what everyone sees is a SMILING calm face.” – Manoj Arora

58. “I always notice a person’s smile. I’m a dental hygienist.” – Winifred Hervey.

positive dental inspirational quotes – i always notice a person's smile. i m a dental hygienist

59. “Don’t take life too seriously! Nobody gets out alive anyway. Smile.” – Dawn Gluskin.

60. “If God hadn’t meant for us to eat sugar, he wouldn’t have invented dentists.” – Ralph Nader

positive dental inspirational quotes – if god hadn't meant for es to eat sugar, he wouldn't have

61. “Choose your agent as carefully as you would choose your accountant or lawyer. Or the dentist.” – Russell Banks

62. “A SMILE is like tight underwear – it makes your cheeks go up!”

positive dental inspirational quotes – a smile is like tight underwear it makes your cheeks go up

63. “When thunderstorms roll in, you make a choice to either succumb with tears to the gloomy downpour or SMILE and look for rainbows.” – Richelle E. Goodrich

64. “No one would disagree that it would be better to maintain oral health throughout life…”
– Wiley-Blackwell.

positive dental inspirational quotes – no one would disagree that it would be better to maintain

65. “For almost anyone who chooses to be a writer, since so very few writers are able to learn a living from their work that is equivalent to the living earned by the average dentist or accountant.” – Russell Banks

66. “A dentist gets to the root of the problem.”

dental inspirational quotes – a dentist gets to the root of the problem

67. “My health plan doesn’t cover dental, so I enrolled my teeth as 32 dependents, each needing a complete physical once a year.” – Robert Breault

68. “The man with a toothache thinks everyone is happy whose teeth are sound.” – George Bernard Shaw

positive dental inspirational quotes – the man with a toothache thinks everyone is happy

69. “Now, most dentist’s chairs go up and down, don’t they? The one I was in went back and forwards. I thought ‘This is unusual’. And the dentist said to me ‘Mr. Vine, get out of the filing cabinet.” – Tim Vine

70. “Adam and Eve had many advantages, but the principal one was that they escaped teething.” – Mark Twain

positive dental inspirational quotes – adam and eve had many advantages, but the principal one

71. “An aching tooth is better out than in. To lose a rotting member is a gain.”
Richard Baxter

72. “How did the dentist break her mirror? Acci-DENTAL-ly”

positive dental inspirational quotes – how did the dentist break her mirror accidentaly

73. “The tooth fairy teaches children that they can sell their body parts for money.”

74. “Truth has sharp teeth, so do not expect anything beautiful (to see) when it smiles at you.” – Rastko Petrović

positive dental inspirational quotes – truth has sharp teeth so do not expect anything

75. “Never open your mouth,unless you’re in the dentist chair.” – Sammy Gravano

76. “Grit your teeth and smile. In the face of adversity, go. They don’t deserve you.” – Christine Lagarde

positive dental inspirational quotes – grit your teeth and smile. in the face of adversity, go.

77. “Good looking people with strong, fluoridated teeth get things handed to them on platters.”

78. “Comrades, this man has a nice smile, but he’s got iron teeth.” – Andrei A. Gromyko

quotes about dentistry – comrades, this man has a nice smile, but he's got iron teeth

79. “Treat your password like your toothbrush. Don’t let anybody else use it, and get a new one every six months!” – Author Unknown

80. “Smile is the key that fits the lock of everybody’s heart.”

quotes about dentistry – smile is the key that fits the lock of everybody's heart

81. “Brush your teeth, crush your cavity.” – Author Unknown

82. “Don’t choose favourites… every tooth deserves to be flossed.”

quotes about dentistry – don't choose favourites every tooth deserves to be flossed

83. “I could have been a dental hygienist with nothing bad ever appearing in print about me, but that’s not how I’ve chosen to lead my life. I know that you put yourself under a microscope the more famous you become.” – Julia Roberts

84. “Don’t rush when you brush.”

quotes about dentistry – don't rush when you brush

85. “Good dental care doesn’t make you a good student, but if your tooth hurts, it’s hard to be a good student.” – Author Unknown

86. “Great teeth, great smile, great life.”

quotes about dentistry – great teeth, great smile, great life

87. “Nice teeth is a turn on for me. If you open your mouth and it looks like a battle of epic proportions, I don’t like it.” – Author Unknown

88. “Dentistry is not expensive…..neglect is!”

inpirational dental quotes – dentistry is not expensive neglect is

89. “Believing in the Tooth Fairy is easier than trying to figure out how else the money gets under your pillow.”

90. “Hair is the first thing. And teeth the second. Hair and teeth. A man got those two things, he’s got it all.” – James Brown.

inpirational dental quotes – hair is the first thing and teeth the second hair and teeth a man

91. “A smile remains the most inexpensive gift I can bestow on anyone and yet its powers can vanquish kingdoms.” – Og Mandido

92. “Dentistry is the science and art of preventing and controlling dental disease.” – Vijay Tare.

inpirational dental quotes – dentistry is the science and art of preventing

93. “Incidentally, I only have one cavity, and as much as my dentist asks me to, I just can’t bring myself to floss.” – Stephen Chbosky

94. “When fortune turns against you, even jelly breaks your teeth.” – Iranian proverb.

inpirational dental quotes – when fortune turns against you, even jelly breaks your

95. “Life is here to be enjoyed, your SMILE and your happiness makes it even better.” Jim Jensen

96. “The grinding of the intellect is for most people as painful as a dentist’s drill.” -Leonard Woolf.

inpirational dental quotes – the grinding of the intellect is for most people as painful

97. “Two minutes. Two times a day. Stick by these two simple rules for a healthier smile!” – Author Unknown

98. “Everyone SMILES in the same language.”

inpirational dental quotes – everyone smiles in the same language

99. “Be like a duck, paddling and working very hard inside the water, but what everyone sees is a SMILING calm face.” – Manoj Arora

100. “You’re never fully dressed without a smile.” – Martin Charnin

inpirational dental quotes – you're never fully dressed without a smile

101. “Some old women and men grow bitter with age; the more their teeth drop out, the more biting they get.”

102. “If suffering brought wisdom, the dentist’s office would be full of luminous ideas.” – Mason Cooley.

inpirational dental quotes – if suffering brought wisdom the dentist's office

103. “Just for today, SMILE a little more. Just for today, ask someone how he or she is really doing. Just for today, remember, while some may have it better than you do, there are others who definitely have it worse than you! Just for today, just let go, just for today…” – James A. Murphy

104. “Roses are red, violets are blue. It’s time for your dental cleaning and maybe a checkup, too.” – Greg Daniels.

inpirational dental quotes – roses are red, violets are blue. it's time for your dental

105. “Dentist, a man with more pull than a politician.” – C.C. Gaither.

106. “If you have more cavities than you have teeth, you’ve led a “sweet” life.”

inpirational dental quotes – if you have more cavities than you have teeth

107. “Oral health = Overall health”

108. “Be kind to your dentist. Because he has “fillings” too.”

inpirational dental quotes – be kind to your dentist because he has fillings too

109. “Good looking people with strong, fluoridated teeth get things handed to them on platters.” – Douglas Coupland

110. I’ve been to the dentist several times so I know the drill.

inpirational dental quotes – i,ve been to dentist several times so i know the drill

111. “Don’t cry because it’s over, SMILE because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss

112. “Dental hygienists are boss of the floss.”

113. “Make a smile your signature accessory”

114. A smile takes but a moment, but the memories of it last forever.

115. Keep calm and brush on.


So these were some inspirational dental quotes that might help you and others to know the importance of maintaining proper oral hygiene.

Take care of your precious smile because the first impression is the last impression. So brush your teeth twice a day to prevent them from germs, cavities, and many more.


Written by Himanshu Tyagi

Digital Marketer who loves motivational and inspirational quotes. While not working, I do a bit of gaming and spend time on Edx to enhance my skills!

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