
75 Best Inspirational Ted Lasso Quotes

best inspirational ted lasso quotes

Are you a Ted Lasso fan? If yes, then you are not alone. Ted Lasso is a comedy show on Apple TV+ with Jason Sudeikis as the main lead role, who plays a football coach. There are two Ted Lasso series seasons filled with deep and inspirational quotes. This article will explore the 75 best inspirational Ted Lasso quotes. Check out these quotes and share your favorite ones in the comments below.

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75 Best Inspirational Ted Lasso Quotes

1. “As the man once said, the harder you work, the luckier you get.” – Ted lasso

inspirational ted lasso quotes – Man said harder work luckier you

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2. “I always thought tea was going to taste like hot brown water. And do you know what? I was right.” – Amen, Ted

3. β€œTakin’ on a challenge is a lot like riding a horse. If you’re comfortable while you’re doin’ it, you’re probably doing it wrong.” – Ted lasso

best ted lasso quotes – taking challenge riding horse if comfortable your'e wrong

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4. β€œWhen it comes to locker rooms, I like ’em just like my mother’s bathing suits. I only wanna see ’em in one piece.” – Ted lasso

5. β€œIf you would have told me that I’d be drinking tea at 3 o’clock every day, about a year ago… I would have punched you in the mouth.” – Ted lasso

inspirational ted lasso quotes – you told drinking tea everyday year punched mouth

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6.Β  “I’ve never been embarrassed about having streaks in my drawers. You know, it’s all part of growing up.” – Ted lasso

7. β€œYour body is like day-old rice. If it ain’t warmed up properly, something really bad could happen.” – Ted lasso

inspirational ted lasso quotes – body day old rice warmed something happen

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8. β€œIt’s like a muffin, except it sucks all the spit out of your mouth.” – Ted Lasso

9. β€œI promise you, there is something worse out there than being sad. And that is being alone and being sad. Ain’t no one in this room alone.” – Ted lasso

inspirational ted lasso quotes – promise something worse being sad alone room

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10. “Back where I’m from, you try to end a game in a tie; well, that might as well be the first sign of the apocalypse.” – Tes lasso

11. β€œIf God would have wanted games to end in a tie, she wouldn’t have invented numbers.” – Ted lasso

inspirational ted lasso quotes – god wanted games end tie invented numbers

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12. β€œSounds to me like someone’s trapped inside life’s most complicated shape. A love triangle. Second place of course is the β€˜I just walked in on my mother-in-law changing into her swimsuit dodecahedron.’” – Ted lasso

13. “We’re gonna call this drill ‘The Exorcist’ ’cause it’s all about controlling possession.” – Ted lasso

inspirational ted lasso quotes – we call drill exorcist controlling possession

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14. β€œBoy, I love meeting people’s moms. It’s like reading an instruction manual as to why they’re nuts.” – Ted lasso

15. “As the man once said, the harder you work, the luckier you get.” – Ted Lasso

inspirational ted lasso quotes – the man said harder you work luckier you get

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16. β€œI think if you care about someone and you have a little love in your heart, there ain’t nothin you can’t get through together.” – Ted lasso

17. “You know what the happiest animal on Earth is? It’s a goldfish. Y’know why? It’s got a 10-second memory. Be a goldfish.” – Ted lasso

inspirational ted lasso quotes – know happiest animal earth goldfish memory

18. β€œLittle tip for y’all. Fries are called chips. Chips are called crisps. And bangers aren’t great songs, but they do make you feel like dancing because they’re so darn tasty.” – Ted lasso

19. “I’m not sure what y’all’s smallest unit of measurement is here, but that’s about how much headway I made.” – Ted lasso

inspirational ted lasso quotes – sure smallest unit measurement headway made

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20. β€œI like my water like Kyrie Irving likes his Earth. Flat.” – Ted lasso

21. β€œWe all know speed is important. But being able to stop and change directions quickly? Well, that’s like Kanye’s 808s & Heartbreak. It doesn’t get nearly enough credit.” – Ted lasso

inspirational ted lasso quotes – speed important being change directions heartbreak

22. β€œThis woman right here is strong, confident, and powerful. Boss, I tell ya, I’d hate to see you and Michelle Obama arm wrestle, but I wouldn’t be able to take my eyes off it, either.” – Ted Lasso

23. β€œYou two knuckleheads have split our locker room in half. And when it comes to locker rooms, I like β€˜em just like my mother’s bathing suits. I only wanna see β€˜em in one piece, you hear?” – Ted lasso

inspirational ted lasso quotes – you knuckleheads locker room bathing suit

24. Explaining the offside rule in soccer: “I’m gonna put it the same way the US Supreme Court did back in 1964 when they defined pornography. It ain’t easy to explain, but you know it when you see it.” – Ted lasso

25. β€œFor me, success is not about the wins and losses. It’s about helping these young fellas be the best versions of themselves on and off the field.” – Ted lasso

inspirational ted lasso quotes – success about wins losses helping young

26. β€œLittle girls are mysterious. And silly and powerful. I gave up trying to figure them out years ago.” – Ted lasso

27. β€œOur goal is to go out like Willie Nelson β€” on a high!” – Ted lasso

inspirational ted lasso quotes – our goal to go like willie nelson high

28. “If the Internet has taught us anything, it’s that sometimes it’s easier to speak our minds anonymously.” – Ted lasso

29. “If I didn’t have any confidence, I never would’ve worn pyjamas to my prom and ended up in jail the rest of that night.” – Ted lasso

inspirational ted lasso quotes – i have confidence never worn pyjamas to prom

30. “There’s two buttons I never like to hit: that’s panic and snooze.” – Ted lasso

31. “Here’s an idea that’s gonna help a little or hurt a whole lot. Who needs a drink?” – Ted lasso

inspirational ted lasso quotes – idea gonna help little hurt lot need drink

32. “You know how they say that ‘youth is wasted on the young’? Well, I say don’t let the wisdom of age be wasted on you. I just came up with that. I feel pretty good about it.” – Ted lasso

33. β€œThat right there, that’s a scone. Tastes like a muffin except it sucks all the spit out of your mouth.” – Ted lasso

inspirational ted lasso quotes – idea gonna help little hurt lot need drink

34. “There’s two buttons I never like to hit: that’s panic and snooze.” – Ted Lasso

35. β€œThat’s the funny thing about coincidences, ain’t it? Sometimes they just happen.” – Ted Lasso

best ted lasso quotes – funny coincidences sometimes happen

36.Β  β€œA palace made out of crystal seems mighty fragile to me.” – Ted lasso

37. β€œIf that’s a joke, I love it. If not, can’t wait to unpack that with you later.” – Ted lasso

best ted lasso quotes – thats joke love not wait unpack later

38. β€œFellas, I could watch you do this jaunty North Korean military thing you do all day, but I need a favor.” – Ted lasso

39. “I feel like we fell out of a lucky tree, hit every branch on the way down, and ended up in a pool full of cash and Sour Patch Kids.” – Ted lasso

best ted lasso quotes – feel like lucky tree branch way ended pool cash kids

40. “I think one of the neatest things about being a coach is the connection you get to make with your players.” – Ted lasso

41. β€œOn the Diamond Dogs: “It’s just a group of people who care, Roy. Not unlike folks at a hip-hop concert whose hands are not in the air.” – Ted lasso

best ted lasso quotes – Diamond dogs people care hip-hop air

42. β€œOn gambling: “Well, as my doctor told me when I got addicted to fettuccine Alfredo, that’s a little rich for my blood.” – Ted lasso

43. “You beating yourself up is like Woody Allen playing the clarinet. I don’t wanna hear it. All right?” – Ted lasso

best ted lasso quotes – you beating like woody playing hear it right

44. β€œThe fellow with the big Mickey Mouse hands by the net.” – Ted lasso

45. β€œI do love a locker room. Smells like potential. Am I getting notes of axe body spray? – Ted lasso

best ted lasso quotes – love locker room smells potential body spray

46. “If You Just Figure Out Some Way To Turn That ‘Me’ Into ‘Us,’ The Sky’s The Limit For You.” – Ted lasso

47. “You’re Not Quitting Ted, You’re Just Letting Me Go.” – Ted lasso

best ted lasso quotes – Not quitting you're letting me go

48. β€œCoach, I got a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” – Ted lasso

49. β€œI haven’t seen someone that disappointed to see me since I wore a red baseball cap to a Planned Parenthood fundraiser.” – Ted lasso

best ted lasso quotes – seen someone disappointed baseball cap

50. I’m sorry Nate I have a real tricky time hearing people who don’t believe in themselves. Do you think this idea would work? – Ted lasso

51. “Divorce is hard. It doesn’t matter if you’re the one leaving or if…you’re the one who got left. It makes folks do crazy things.” – Ted lasso

best ted lasso quotes – divorce matter one leaving or left folks crazy

52. β€œYou are more mysterious than David Blaine reading a Sue Grafton novel at Area 51.” – Ted lasso

53.”Ice cream’s the best. It’s kinda like seeing Billy Joel live. Never disappoint.” – Ted lasso

best ted lasso quotes – ice cream like seeing billy joel never disappoint

54. β€œHere’s an idea that’s gonna help a little or hurt a whole lot. Who needs a drink?” – Ted lasso

55. “If the Internet has taught us anything, it’s that sometimes it’s easier to speak our minds anonymously.” – Ted lasso

inspirational ted lasso quotes – Internet taught anything easier speak minds anonymously

56. β€œSam was more open than the jar of peanut butter on my counter.” – Ted lasso

57. “The same thing that makes you cry knowing they existed are the same things that make you cry knowing they’re gone.” – Ted lasso

best ted lasso quotes – same thing makes cry knowing existed are same gone

58. “I think that you might be so sure that you’re one in a million, that sometimes you forget that out there you’re just one in 11.” – Ted lasso

59. β€œIf y’all were really introverts, you would’ve been quiet as a church mouse. Unless that church was Westboro Baptist. Those turkeys won’t shut up.” – Ted lasso

best ted lasso quotes – introverts been quiet as church mouse

60. β€œTaking on a challenge is a lot like riding a horse, isn’t it? If you’re comfortable while you’re doing it, you’re probably doing it wrong.” – Ted Lasso

61.Β β€œBe honest with me. It’s a prank, right? The tea? Like when us tourist folks aren’t around, y’all know it tastes like garbage? You don’t love it. It’s pigeon sweat.” – Ted Lassbest ted lasso quotes – honest it's prank tea like tourist tastes like

62. On Jamie: “That’s a special young man right there. Got talent for days, works hard, and he’s got a jawline like the White Cliffs of Dover. I’m always rootin’ for him.” – Ted lasso

63. β€œShe’s got some fences, alright, but you just gotta hop over ’em.” – Ted Lasso

best ted lasso quotes – she got some fences just hop over

64. “Look, we are not playing for a tie. Ain’t nobody here gonna kiss their sister…which is an American phrase that I’m now realising does not exist here, and that’s good, ’cause it’s creepy, and I hate it myself; I don’t know why I said it.” – Ted lasso

65. “I believe in Communism. Rom-communism, that is. If Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan can go through some heartfelt struggles and still end up happy, then so can we.” – Ted lasso

best ted lasso quotes – believe communism tom hanks heartfelt struggles end happy

66. β€œThe idea behind every trick play is to have chaos rain down upon your opponents and stun them. Much like the lava did to those poor folks in Pompeii.” – Ted Lasso

67. β€œYou say impossible, but all I hear is β€˜I’m possible.’” – Ted lasso

inspirational ted lasso quotes – You say impossible i hear possible

68. “There’s a bunch of crazy stuff on Twitter. Heck, someone made an account for my moustache.” – Ted lasso

69. “It’s kind of like back in the ’80s when ‘bad’ meant ‘good.’ ” – Ted lasso

inspirational ted lasso quotes – kind like back in 80s bad meant good

70. β€œI shouldn’t bring an umbrella to a brainstorm.” – Ted Lasso

71. β€œI’ve never met someone who doesn’t eat sugar. Only heard about ’em, and they all live in this godless place called Santa Monica.” – Ted Lasso

inspirational ted lasso quotes – never met someone doesn't eat sugar

72.Β  β€œI think I literally have a better understanding of who killed Kennedy than what is offside… It was the mob.” – Ted Lasso

73. “Oh, come on, I would not bet on that, unless you want to win a buttload of money.” – Ted lasso

inspirational ted lasso quotes – i would not bet unless you want win buttload money

74.Β β€œThere’s a bunch of crazy stuff on Twitter. Heck, someone made an account for my mustache.” – Ted lasso

75. “You should do a TED Talk, ’cause right now you’re getting a whole heap of ‘Ted listen.'” – Ted lasso


I hope that you liked these 75 best inspirational Ted Lasso quotes. Do let us know which one is your favorite in the comments section below. Also, please don’t forget to share these quotes with your friends and loved ones on social media.


Written by Himanshu Tyagi

Digital Marketer who loves motivational and inspirational quotes. While not working, I do a bit of gaming and spend time on Edx to enhance my skills!

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